Khashoggi has left the building!!

Jamal-KhashoggiRecent events in Turkey, the killing of a dissident journalist inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, have brought into focus the war between governments, and those who would criticise them. Freedom of speech is the foundation of many societies, while in others it is the ‘death knell’ for those who openly, and in some cases, those who ‘secretly’ speak out.

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Cancel after your trial period. Yeah right!

Beware!!!!  The trial period gremlins are out there waiting for us at every turn.Trial offer

Have you ever seen a product of any description, either online, in a store, or on TV,  which comes with the added incentive of a “free trial period”?

I am sure most of have been in this situation. The product or service is something we think looks good or may benefit us in some way, or may even be an added luxury, which we don’t really need but think “Ah what the hell, I will try it”

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biasNewspapers, radio, TV, magazines, blogs, the internet. All of these things are sources of news. We have never had so much choice as to where we receive our news from.
With the emergence several decades ago, of media corporations, who own many outlets of news, we have become more and more subject to the views of the people who own these organisations.

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Cant’ speak English? pay here, sign there.

As one of the millions of English teachers around the world, I take great pride in my job. I also take immense pleasure from hearing that my students have passed international exams such as IELTS, and TOEFL, or even improved their English to some degree. As a teacher, these are the reasons why we do our job.

So I have to say that I was seiously dismayed to see the following documentary by BBC’s Panorama recently.

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Land of the Fee!

Police or Military?
Police or Military?

Not having been born in the land of our neighbours across the pond, I understand their culture and ideas only from the position of tourist, having family members who reside there, and as a viewer/reader/watcher of countless programs portraying the country, and its people.

My judgement about a certain statement, with seems to emanate from the lips of most citizens, is one of bewilderment.

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Don’t lie to me

Why is it that this line is constantly in movies from the US, but they are some of the worst offenders on the planet! Do they think that this line instills any sense of honesty into their audiences?

The line is “DON’T LIE TO ME!!”   (No doubt you may have heard and seen this once or twice).

This is something I have heard for many years on chat shows, in movies, in cop series(mostly), and I get the “we don’t want to teach our kids or youth to lie” angle, but hey!!! Lies are all around us.

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Perpetual Loans.

We are alIMF Donorsways hearing, reading about, and watching, financial news regarding various countries going bankrupt or overspending, and borrowing money from the world bank /IMF. To briefly explain. Countries are run just like any business. They make money by raising taxes, selling goods and services (tourism for example) to other countries. They use the money they receive to provide services for the citizens of the country. That was the simplified version .Like some businesses, countries can spend more than they receive in income. So in this event, they borrow.

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The gossiping candidate.

TrumpAnother look at the American election ‘circus’ Where we have 2 candidates who are polarizing the country for completely different reasons. Before I continue, I would like to stress that I am not a fan of either of these people. I am just providing my perspective.

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World Power

wake upWorld Power.
Our allies no longer respect us! We are no longer the dominate force in the world! People are trying to attack us! All of these comments have been used at the RNC (Republican National Convention) over the last few weeks. These comments come from people who want America to become this ‘great again’ nation. Read more

Europe on the cusp.

Destination UK


As the current European migrant situation sees no signs of abating anytime soon, many people in European countries are beginning to focus on nationalism.The rights of the common nation in many European countries are being eroded in favour of those who are arriving on their shores seeking asylum.

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