

Big brother houseThis article is called distraction because I can,t think of a more apt title. It is a worldwide phenomena which seems to be orchestrated by people at the top of the “food chain” as it were. Distraction is the art of keeping the people distracted with mundane things which divert their attention away from more serious issues. Read more

Easy answer. It is god’s will

Religion, and the church in it’s various forms has been with us for the past few millennium.

Followers of the various religions, whether Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, etc…, are believers in the stories which were written down, and continue to be passed down through the generations.

Although the things claimed have never actually been witnessed, except at the time they happened (ie; miracles), the religions base their beliefs on these events, and the teachings of such events.

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Nouvelle cuisine, or just plain hungry?

A nouvelle cuisine dish
Where is my food???

Nouvelle cuisine or just plain hungry?

All around us, we are saturated with food. Magazines, blogs, travel shows, TV chefs, celebrity chefs, reality shows…… Everywhere!!
My topic today is not about another of the recent crazes to afflict mankind, but today I would like to talk about something which has graced our presence for decades. ‘Nouvelle cuisine’ The term is french and translates as ‘new cooking’. It blends various styles with an emphasis on presentation, and not quantity.

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Superstar parenting

Madonna and kids

 People! Please everyone listen to me now, as I am a parent, and everything I say is the new truth!!!!

The truth is, humans have been reproducing since we evolved from our previous form (this is not a blog about our origins), so people the world over have been mothers, and fathers, etc…… since time began.

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Celebrity chefIn these days of mass media and social media, there is one topic which has come to the forefront of society. This topic is food.

Food has become a major industry. Not the fact of buying, selling and eating., but the fact of the celebrity which now surrounds food.
How many TV chefs have emerged over the last decade?    Answer : too many to mention.

And why the huge  growth of the TV chef?  I have several theories about this. Read more

Land of the Fee!

Police or Military?
Police or Military?

Not having been born in the land of our neighbours across the pond, I understand their culture and ideas only from the position of tourist, having family members who reside there, and as a viewer/reader/watcher of countless programs portraying the country, and its people.

My judgement about a certain statement, with seems to emanate from the lips of most citizens, is one of bewilderment.

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Asian class. Pale face.

Blue eyed blonde

The topic of Asian culture is one of those aspects of life, which if one is not exposed to, stays in the realms of the unknown. There are many perceptions of the Asian culture by western society, such as; the superstitions, the wide variety of exotic food,  the obsession with many things western, and more. This is not the focus of the article though. The focus is on education; namely English.

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CNN Crying(on)National Network

One of the most prominent news networks around the globe is CNN, which has grown from a US based company, to a global player. A large proportion of their reporting is devoted to conflicts, politics, human interest stories, and recognizing the exploits of certain members of society.

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Don’t lie to me

Why is it that this line is constantly in movies from the US, but they are some of the worst offenders on the planet! Do they think that this line instills any sense of honesty into their audiences?

The line is “DON’T LIE TO ME!!”   (No doubt you may have heard and seen this once or twice).

This is something I have heard for many years on chat shows, in movies, in cop series(mostly), and I get the “we don’t want to teach our kids or youth to lie” angle, but hey!!! Lies are all around us.

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Horror morons

The room mate
The Room mate

Horror movies is the topic of this blog in case it is not clear. The ‘morons’ appending it, is a commentary on the actions of the people who are portrayed in said movies. Let me first say that I am not at all a fan of these movies, but my wife is. This means that I have the misfortune of having to watch them more often. I have watched some very good horror movies over the years, but these are few and far between.  Anyway, let me relate my views on the phenomena which are ‘the horror morons’


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