TV Suspense!


Within the myriad of “game shows, reality shows, crime series, and contestant based shows”, there is a trend which is becoming ever more annoying.  This trend, is the trend of ‘suspense’. It is designed (I think this is the purpose) to keep us viewers on the edge of our seats for extended periods of time, but for me it is just an irritant.

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Award Shows.

award seasonThe season is upon us once again. A time where people gather together to flaunt their wealth, organizers spend ridiculously large amounts of money, the tickets are out of reach for us “mere mortals”, and the participants spend several hours ” patting each other on the back” , lavishing praise, and platitudes on each other, and of course being watch by millions of people.

Welcome to “distraction season”   or, to give it its correct title, Awards season.

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