The Fast & Franchise.

Have you noticed that the words ‘sequel, ‘trilogy’  team, squad, are no longer being used, just as the word ‘series’ (except the world series)  and episodes are being phased out. If you are unsure what i am referring to, I am referring to the world of TV/Movies, and sport.The new buzz words are ‘franchise’ , which used to be exclusively for business chains such as KFC, McDonalds, Rolex, etc…, is now being used to describe movies and sports teams.‘The Harry Potter Franchise’, ‘The LA Galaxy Franchise’ and the latest one which is doing the rounds, ‘The Fast and Furious franchise’ We also have the new formula for TV dramas of all kinds. ‘Season’

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The Law is an ass

LawThis expression or saying comes from 2 possible sources, but in the meaning “the law is an ass” -the ‘ass’ in this instance, is a donkey, which has a reputation for being stubborn, and obstinate, without reason. So to define the expression, is to say that the application of the law is often contrary to common sense.

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You finally did it America!!

What does the title refer to? The destruction of society? The admissions of 911?   The invasion of Iraq for nothing but oil?  Hell no!.


We are talking about the surpassing of all previous things with a high magnitude of stupidity. We are talking about handing the responsibility for one of the most powerful countries, both militarily and economically, to a reality TV star and a multiple bankrupt who masquerades as a successful businessman.

Yes, you have guessed it folks. He is now the leader of the “free world” (‘free world’ being a matter of opinion).

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Perpetual Loans.

We are alIMF Donorsways hearing, reading about, and watching, financial news regarding various countries going bankrupt or overspending, and borrowing money from the world bank /IMF. To briefly explain. Countries are run just like any business. They make money by raising taxes, selling goods and services (tourism for example) to other countries. They use the money they receive to provide services for the citizens of the country. That was the simplified version .Like some businesses, countries can spend more than they receive in income. So in this event, they borrow.

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Divide, distract and pacify

Mexican wall
Wall to divide America and Mexico

Although I wish that I had come up with this title, the title of this blog was taken from an article in the Free Though Project. (

It was talking about political speeches and how they all sound the same. One of the most significant political events, which has just concluded, is the RNC or Republican National Convention in America. Over the course of 3 days there have been numerous speeches by political leaders, congressmen, Police Chiefs, family members, wives, and others. This is all part of the ‘divide, distract, and pacify’ ploy. Read more


Oscar PistoriusThe wonderful about us humans which is one of the things which sets us apart from other life forms, is our ability to express our emotions in so many ways, both verbally and visually. The majority of our daily interaction is based on our emotions. Sadness, anger, frustration, fear, worry, and excitement, are just a few of a multitude of emotions we express. The most moving emotion of all is sadness. When something terrible happens, such as losing a loved one, whatever the cause, the pain caused by this loss is often overwhelming. Read more

One-sided justice


I am currently watching the news regarding the Dallas Police shootings. (Dallas Shootings)  The commentary has been focusing on the shooting of the officers which it rightly should be. The news commentary has also strenuously stressed that “we should not, as a nation, tolerate the cowardly shooting of policemen” Read more

Independence Day (Again!!!)

Independence Day ResurgenceIndependence Day (Again!!)

Coming to your screens soon. The unforgettable story of the alien invasion of earth which is thwarted once again.

But what a minute. Haven’t we been there before? time and time again?

This time we have a repeat of Independence Day, in which Will Smith, our wise-cracking Colonel in the Air Force, partners up with Bill Paxton as POTUS (as he is so widely known as now. Now wonder people are slowly turning into dummies), to save the world. AGAIN.

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