Independence Day (Again!!!)

Independence Day ResurgenceIndependence Day (Again!!)

Coming to your screens soon. The unforgettable story of the alien invasion of earth which is thwarted once again.

But what a minute. Haven’t we been there before? time and time again?

This time we have a repeat of Independence Day, in which Will Smith, our wise-cracking Colonel in the Air Force, partners up with Bill Paxton as POTUS (as he is so widely known as now. Now wonder people are slowly turning into dummies), to save the world. AGAIN.

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I no longer have an opinion.

Article about opinions

Over the last 100 years or so, the world has changed more drastically than at any other time in its history. Most of the changes have been due to technology which has changed the way we live, the places where we live, the way we get information, and last but not least, the way we view each other. In our societies there many “groups” of people. Races, disabled, (both physically and mentally), extremists, LGBT,(for those of you who don’t know, these are lesbian,gay,bisexual and transgender), socialists, communists, chauvinists, etc, the list is endless.

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