NATO/UN Allies. What allies?

Enough said!
Enough said!

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or ‘NATO’ as it is also known, is an agreement between a group of countries regarding their common goals towards ‘defence’ of their combined nations against attack, primarily from Russia (The former Soviet Union).

The problem with this is that the acronym is misleading. It should read as the ‘North American Treaty Organisation’ due to the fact that it revolves 100% around North America. Namely The USA. Harking back to the title of the article, all the resolutions which the organisation make do not see the light of day unless the American reps agree to them. Hardly a democracy. Hardly a treaty.

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Reassurance lines

Reassurance lines.

It’not going to happen  / I won’t let that happen /  Don’t blame yourself  /  It’s not your fault  /  Everything is going to be alright

It’s my job to protect you  /  I can take care of myself /  I promise…..  /

Conflict creation lines

We don’t need him/her  / I always work alone don’t trust him/her  /  Get lost  /  We have everyone we need  /  I don’t need your charity.

Just another rookie trying to make a name for himself/herself  /  You don’t tow the line /  Why do we need these amateurs?

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Life without a cellphone. Why?

Life without a cellphone. Why?

The cellphone, mobile, or whatever you call it; the saviour of mankind or the scourge? Whatever your view, the cellphone is here to stay. From the 1st time voice waves were sent over wires to an astonished recipient at the other end, the pace at which the humble telephone has changed has been astounding.

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Khashoggi has left the building!!

Jamal-KhashoggiRecent events in Turkey, the killing of a dissident journalist inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, have brought into focus the war between governments, and those who would criticise them. Freedom of speech is the foundation of many societies, while in others it is the ‘death knell’ for those who openly, and in some cases, those who ‘secretly’ speak out.

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Big brother houseThis article is called distraction because I can,t think of a more apt title. It is a worldwide phenomena which seems to be orchestrated by people at the top of the “food chain” as it were. Distraction is the art of keeping the people distracted with mundane things which divert their attention away from more serious issues. Read more

Cancel after your trial period. Yeah right!

Beware!!!!  The trial period gremlins are out there waiting for us at every turn.Trial offer

Have you ever seen a product of any description, either online, in a store, or on TV,  which comes with the added incentive of a “free trial period”?

I am sure most of have been in this situation. The product or service is something we think looks good or may benefit us in some way, or may even be an added luxury, which we don’t really need but think “Ah what the hell, I will try it”

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Easy answer. It is god’s will

Religion, and the church in it’s various forms has been with us for the past few millennium.

Followers of the various religions, whether Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, etc…, are believers in the stories which were written down, and continue to be passed down through the generations.

Although the things claimed have never actually been witnessed, except at the time they happened (ie; miracles), the religions base their beliefs on these events, and the teachings of such events.

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Nouvelle cuisine, or just plain hungry?

A nouvelle cuisine dish
Where is my food???

Nouvelle cuisine or just plain hungry?

All around us, we are saturated with food. Magazines, blogs, travel shows, TV chefs, celebrity chefs, reality shows…… Everywhere!!
My topic today is not about another of the recent crazes to afflict mankind, but today I would like to talk about something which has graced our presence for decades. ‘Nouvelle cuisine’ The term is french and translates as ‘new cooking’. It blends various styles with an emphasis on presentation, and not quantity.

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biasNewspapers, radio, TV, magazines, blogs, the internet. All of these things are sources of news. We have never had so much choice as to where we receive our news from.
With the emergence several decades ago, of media corporations, who own many outlets of news, we have become more and more subject to the views of the people who own these organisations.

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Superstar parenting

Madonna and kids

 People! Please everyone listen to me now, as I am a parent, and everything I say is the new truth!!!!

The truth is, humans have been reproducing since we evolved from our previous form (this is not a blog about our origins), so people the world over have been mothers, and fathers, etc…… since time began.

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