Easy answer. It is god’s will

Religion, and the church in it’s various forms has been with us for the past few millennium.

Followers of the various religions, whether Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, etc…, are believers in the stories which were written down, and continue to be passed down through the generations.

Although the things claimed have never actually been witnessed, except at the time they happened (ie; miracles), the religions base their beliefs on these events, and the teachings of such events.

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biasNewspapers, radio, TV, magazines, blogs, the internet. All of these things are sources of news. We have never had so much choice as to where we receive our news from.
With the emergence several decades ago, of media corporations, who own many outlets of news, we have become more and more subject to the views of the people who own these organisations.

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The Changing Face Of Music

The BeatlesWith the recent passing of three very recognizable faces in the music world, it is hard not to reflect on how the face of music has changed over the last several decades, and is still changing. Aretha Franklin, David Bowie, Prince, and Lemmee of Motorhead fame, were 4 artists whose work spanned generations, who images were always evolving and changing with the times, and whose love of music was their driving factor.

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Cant’ speak English? pay here, sign there.

As one of the millions of English teachers around the world, I take great pride in my job. I also take immense pleasure from hearing that my students have passed international exams such as IELTS, and TOEFL, or even improved their English to some degree. As a teacher, these are the reasons why we do our job.

So I have to say that I was seiously dismayed to see the following documentary by BBC’s Panorama recently.

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Land of the Fee!

Police or Military?
Police or Military?

Not having been born in the land of our neighbours across the pond, I understand their culture and ideas only from the position of tourist, having family members who reside there, and as a viewer/reader/watcher of countless programs portraying the country, and its people.

My judgement about a certain statement, with seems to emanate from the lips of most citizens, is one of bewilderment.

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CNN Crying(on)National Network

One of the most prominent news networks around the globe is CNN, which has grown from a US based company, to a global player. A large proportion of their reporting is devoted to conflicts, politics, human interest stories, and recognizing the exploits of certain members of society.

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No more of ‘The Force’

Luke and Leah
Luke and Leah

I should have known better, but against my better judgement I decided to take in the latest saga in the Star Wars ‘brand’. I actually have a general rule of thumb which is, “if the 1st installment is good, don’t expect any improvement in subsequent installments”. By and large this philosophy has served me well. As an example, The Bourne series was ceased (by me) after the 2nd movie(3 and 4 were so dire that I cannot bring myself to mention them) because often the decline in quality is immediate, and although I was a Star Wars fan from the original movie(showing my age now), there were a couple of duds in these (read Attack of The Clones, and The Phantom Menace).But overall, with George Lucas at the helm I persevered with it. Read more

Don’t lie to me

Why is it that this line is constantly in movies from the US, but they are some of the worst offenders on the planet! Do they think that this line instills any sense of honesty into their audiences?

The line is “DON’T LIE TO ME!!”   (No doubt you may have heard and seen this once or twice).

This is something I have heard for many years on chat shows, in movies, in cop series(mostly), and I get the “we don’t want to teach our kids or youth to lie” angle, but hey!!! Lies are all around us.

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Robotic sports stars

RonaldoSport is one of the major attractions, hobbies, businesses, and endeavours in the world.When it comes to the playing of sport, whether it is a game of football in the park , a local town league match, or the Premier league, people play with passion and for enjoyment or love of the sport.


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Customer smiles

Customer care in Asia. Where is it? Is my question.

Is it the smiles which greet you at every juncture, which are backed up by nothing else? I keep hearing about this amazing customer service in my adopted country of The Philippines, but only on 1 or 2 occasions during my 10 year stay have I encountered it.

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