The Fast & Franchise.

Have you noticed that the words ‘sequel, ‘trilogy’  team, squad, are no longer being used, just as the word ‘series’ (except the world series)  and episodes are being phased out. If you are unsure what i am referring to, I am referring to the world of TV/Movies, and sport.The new buzz words are ‘franchise’ , which used to be exclusively for business chains such as KFC, McDonalds, Rolex, etc…, is now being used to describe movies and sports teams.‘The Harry Potter Franchise’, ‘The LA Galaxy Franchise’ and the latest one which is doing the rounds, ‘The Fast and Furious franchise’ We also have the new formula for TV dramas of all kinds. ‘Season’

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Technology. Help or hinderance?

Technology is one of the biggest developments in the history of mankind. With it the world that we know is constantly changing. Mankind in many instances is judged on its progress in technology.

From the camera, the light bulb, the engine, the computer, flight, and many more innovations throughout time, we invent more and more fascinating technologies( the latest i know about, are the self-driving car, bio-metrics, remotely controlling space crafts on Mars).

Technology has helped us in immeasurable ways, but at the same time it has hindered us in other ways.

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The Law is an ass

LawThis expression or saying comes from 2 possible sources, but in the meaning “the law is an ass” -the ‘ass’ in this instance, is a donkey, which has a reputation for being stubborn, and obstinate, without reason. So to define the expression, is to say that the application of the law is often contrary to common sense.

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The Oslob Circus.

Whale SharkThe ongoing plight of the world’s wildlife was once more thrust in front of me the other day. As a person who has travelled significantly, is a believer in wildlife preservation, a scuba diver, and nature lover, the sights I witnessed made me realise once again that man has no respect for the world around him, and purely uses it for both his own amusement, and profit.

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You finally did it America!!

What does the title refer to? The destruction of society? The admissions of 911?   The invasion of Iraq for nothing but oil?  Hell no!.


We are talking about the surpassing of all previous things with a high magnitude of stupidity. We are talking about handing the responsibility for one of the most powerful countries, both militarily and economically, to a reality TV star and a multiple bankrupt who masquerades as a successful businessman.

Yes, you have guessed it folks. He is now the leader of the “free world” (‘free world’ being a matter of opinion).

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R.I.P. Jason Bourne.

book coverFrom the very 1st time I happen to by chance, to read a book named The Aquitaine Progression, by Robert Ludlum, I was not only fascinated by the writer’s all action, yet feasible style of writing, and plots, which although they come from a side of life most of us would have no experience of, were taken from real life, I became a fan of the author.

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Perpetual Loans.

We are alIMF Donorsways hearing, reading about, and watching, financial news regarding various countries going bankrupt or overspending, and borrowing money from the world bank /IMF. To briefly explain. Countries are run just like any business. They make money by raising taxes, selling goods and services (tourism for example) to other countries. They use the money they receive to provide services for the citizens of the country. That was the simplified version .Like some businesses, countries can spend more than they receive in income. So in this event, they borrow.

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The gossiping candidate.

TrumpAnother look at the American election ‘circus’ Where we have 2 candidates who are polarizing the country for completely different reasons. Before I continue, I would like to stress that I am not a fan of either of these people. I am just providing my perspective.

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World Power

wake upWorld Power.
Our allies no longer respect us! We are no longer the dominate force in the world! People are trying to attack us! All of these comments have been used at the RNC (Republican National Convention) over the last few weeks. These comments come from people who want America to become this ‘great again’ nation. Read more

Olympic Gold or another perk?

Gold medalThe news has been dominated in recent months by the upcoming Olympic games. The Olympics is a truly global event. From the beginning of the games which starts several months before the actual  sporting events, with the lighting and carrying of the Olympic torch(which I was fortunate enough to see while travelling in New Delhi in 2004), through to the 2 weeks of competition. Fast forward to the present. Does the Olympic Games still retain its status as the no 1 global sporting event? Read more